Isis Relationship Compatibility Harmonic Indicator System Report (Description)
To view the first few pages of a sample compatibility report, click: sample report
To view the first few pages of a sample compatibility report for Hillary and Bill Clinton, click: Hillary and Bill Clinton sample report To view the first few pages of a sample compatibility report for Laura and George W. Bush, click: Laura and George W. Bush sample reportDescriptive outline of contents of a sample report (at least twelve pages long):
I) Introduction/Background: (Included in your personal report)II) Personal Compatibility Report Analysis: Most categories (i.e., characteristics of your mutual compatibility) consist of two parts:
A) Numerical Ranking/scoring represented by:
1) Percent (%) of the ideal compatibility: (0 to 100%...e.g., in the first category; a percent rating above 60% usually indicates long-term potential.)2) Number and color of Stars:
a) (Outstanding) or
(Excellent) or
(Well Above Average): GO...Significant long-term
romantic potential...and for friendship or business.
b)(Barely Above Average): Caution...Borderline
long-term romantic potential...better for friendship or business.
c) (Average) or no Stars (Below Average or Poor): Stop...Use
extreme caution since there is slight long-term romantic potential...maybe possible for
friendship or business.
3) Rating Label: (Outstanding, Excellent, Above Average, Average, Below Average, Poor)
B) Personal text interpretation: As text flows top to bottom, it decreases in importance. Text length, in each category, varies from several paragraphs up to two pages.
In addition to the following category descriptions, your actual category "Score and Interpretation" (uniquely personal to your relationship), is included in your personal report.
The first four compatibility categories are the primary indications of potential relationship compatibility.
a) Relationship Compatibility: Score and Interpretation
Combines potential harmony/attraction and longevity. As the single most important category for comparison, a score above 60% has greater potential for long-term soulmate or life-partner success. Relationships below 60% are more likely to be shorter term (as practice) to resolve issues in preparation for another more fulfilling relationship...and/or the relationship may be better suited for friendship/business.
The next two categories modify the overall compatibility (higher or lower) depending on the amount of mutual avocational (work and/or hobbies) interests and spiritual evolvement. A delicate balance, between mutual common interests and individual diverse interests, is the ideal.
b) With Shared Avocation and/or Spirituality: Score and InterpretationShared, non-romantic, mutual interests (e.g., dynamic hobby, business, civic, and/or charitable activity, etc.) well balanced with differing individual interests, may greatly improve compatibility. As the third most important category for comparison; this area is where the greatest harmony is likely (especially if there is equal spiritual evolvement between partners).
c) Without Shared Avocation and/or Spirituality: Score and Interpretation
Lack of shared, non-romantic, mutual interests (e.g., dynamic hobby, business, civic, and/or charitable activity, etc.) to balance differing individual interests, decreases compatibility. Also, as the third most important category for comparison this area is where the greatest challenges are likely (especially if there is an extreme difference in spiritual evolvement between partners).
d) Longevity / Endurance: ScoreThe relationship's ability to endure and maintain harmony when either person (or both) undergoes challenging individual cycles. The higher the longevity rating, the easier it is to be mutually supportive during tough times since it is more likely that the areas of challenge would affect both and easier to resolve through mutual support. Conversely, if the longevity is weak, then it is possible that resentment could build over time if the one with easier cycles does not give support while the other is under pressure.
e) Secondary Indicators (Score and Interpretation):
These remaining categories are general indications of minor importance; highlighting several different mutual compatibility areas (spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical). The secondary categories are intended to be evaluated relative to each other, not as compared to the absolute ideal (100%).
1) Spiritual/Intuitive, Love/Romance/Emotional, Resources/Money
2) Communication / Mental / Intellectual / Friendship
3) Intimacy / Sexuality
4) Avocational/Work/Hobbies and Vitality / Health III) How To Develop A Mutually Rewarding Relationshipa) Goals/objectives we desire and intend in a satisfying personal relationship
b) Relationship misconceptions
c) How to create ideal relationship harmony
To view the first few pages of a sample compatibility report, click: sample report
To view the first few pages of a sample compatibility report for Hillary and Bill Clinton, click: Hillary and Bill Clinton sample report
To view the first few pages of a sample compatibility report for Laura and George W. Bush, click: Laura and George W. Bush sample report
To order your personal compatibility report, click: order report
Due to overwhelming first time order response, we are able to offer additional reports at a 50% discount ($12 donation) off the first time order rate ($24) for those who have ordered once and wish to evaluate compatibility with more than one person.
*Privacy Option:* Report accessed only by you with a passkey (additional ordering steps).
To order your personal compatibility report with privacy option, click: order private report
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