Isis Relationship Compatibility Harmonic Indicator System Report (Sample)
Introduction/Background: (Included in your personal report)
Personal Compatibility Report Analysis: Most categories (i.e., characteristics of your mutual compatibility) consist of two parts:
A) Numerical Ranking/scoring represented by:
1) Percent (%) of the ideal compatibility: (0 to 100%...e.g., in the first category; a percent rating above 60% usually indicates long-term potential.)2) Number and color of Stars:
a) (Outstanding) or
(Excellent) or
(Well Above Average): GO...Significant long-term
romantic potential...and for friendship or business.
b)(Barely Above Average): Caution...Borderline
long-term romantic potential...better for friendship or business.
c) (Average) or no Stars (Below Average or Poor): Stop...Use
extreme caution since there is slight long-term romantic potential...maybe possible for
friendship or business.
3) Rating Label: (Outstanding, Excellent, Above Average, Average, Below Average, Poor)
B) Personal text interpretation: As text flows top to bottom, it decreases in importance. Text length, in each category, varies from several paragraphs up to two pages.
Referring to the graph below, the first four compatibility categories are the primary indications of potential relationship compatibility.
Overall Compatibility Score: 57 %, , (Barely Above Average)
Combines potential harmony/attraction and longevity. As the single most important category for comparison, above 60% has greater potential for long term soulmate or life-partner success. Compatibility below 60% indicates more of a short term or practice relationship to resolve issues. Generally, above 85% may be considered "outstanding", 70% to 85% "excellent", 55% to 70% "above average", 45% to 55% "average", 35% to 45% "below average", and under 35% "poor".
Overall Compatibility Interpretation:
Indicates an intense love/heart bond and is an important indication of soulmate/life-partner potential. Connections between individuals can be strengthened through deep love, intimacy, emotionally colored tastes, touch, kindness, warmth, harmony, balance, aesthetics, and fertility. Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include love/joy/happiness, beauty, grace, peace, attractiveness, and creativity. Focus is on romantic relationships, money/finance issues, arts/music/entertainment pursuits, fashion, and harmonious social events. Indicates a strong similar life purpose and mission through vocational/cultural accomplishment joint experience, and resourceful aim/goals. Focus is on a complimentary awareness of mother/father stereotypes. Indicates a mutual emotional/intuitive bond, strengthened domestic harmony, and an important indication of soulmate/life-partner potential. Connections between individuals can be strengthened by strong intuition. Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include passivity, emotions/feelings, emotional clarity, receptivity, caring, trusting. Focus is on issues dealing with the subconscious personality, mystery, instinct/intuition, fluidity, adaptation, flexibility, temperament, reaction, and routines/habit. Influences interactions with females in any role around you, home/family, children, public relations and transportation. Be aware of experiences with soul memory, flowing, right brain activity, creativeness, and reflection. Platonic and spiritual love are supported through faith in ideals and dreams. Relationships and events are characterized by sensitive, caring, compassionate, and transformative love. The ideal of perfected love/romance and spiritual consciousness leading to insight and understanding can be felt and experienced. See the inner beauty and peaceful awareness. Focus on the intuitive creative arts, aesthetics, and universal harmony. Heart healing and opening can be supported by a sense of a deep soul connection. Indicates a common avocation, vitality, and compatible personality identities. Connections between individuals can be strengthened through the active use of source and life force energy.
Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include the use of logical and analytical faculties, left brain activity, true self-expression, play, acting capabilities, creative vitality, illumination, will-power, ambition, a focus on achievement, self-confidence, strength, purpose, and dynamic action and predictability. Focus is on the conscious personality (or "the mask you choose to display"), males in any role around you, health/vitality, authority/leadership, and identity. Indicates a mutual empowerment through renewal and forgiveness. Connections between individuals can be expressed through personal power and sex/intimacy. Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include the secret/mysterious. Focus is on a symbolic death/rebirth, hidden matters/resources, transformation/transcendence, the collective unconscious, and large-scale mass movements. Balancing work and personal life through a well-developed value system supports relationships and events. Focus is on rewards, avocational artistic expression, wise counsel, fortunate property/finance decisions, and prosperity. Facilitates new and exciting creative expression of mutual ideas through sudden self-discovery, avocational experimentation, and interests in computers/communication/technology. Growth of confidence in originality. Intuition and feeling blends with mental perception through flowing emotional communications.
Relationships are supported by mutual understanding of different perspectives, thought/feeling synthesis, and telepathy. Focus is on an intuitive and intellectual balance, using intuitive perception. Indicates a spiritual union through empathy/compassion/sensitivity, ideal vision/imagination, and fantasy. Connections between individuals can be expressed through dreams, subtle energy, and mystical associations. Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include a focus on perfection, the esoteric, inspiration, mysticism, enlightenment, service, humility. Indicates an exciting friendship, equality, and new experiences through originality. Connections between individuals can be expressed through discovery, novelty, experimentation, friendship, altruistic brother/sisterhood, and awakening. Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include individual will/self-discovery, freedom/detachment, and genius. Focus is on surprising/sudden innovation/change, technology/computers/communication, and revolutionary reform. Indicates a shared mental/intellectual interests through communication, education, service, and legal matters. Connections between individuals can be strengthened through comprehension, clear perception, reason/analysis, and magic. Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include purity, humility, curiosity, cleverness, and versatility. Focus is on local travel, the intellectual/mental/rational faculty, the oral/written expression, details, quickness/agility/mobility/movement, and perfection. Indicates a strong mutual friendship, creativity, and optimism. Connections between individuals can be strengthened by exploration of the philosophy of life expanded through benevolence/generosity, enlightenment, higher education, justice/law, major publishing, philosophy, adventure, and distant travel. Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include sound discernment, athleticism, candor, experience of a playful inner child, growth/increase, abundance/prosperity, and faith.
Focus is on wealth/fortune, the sage, opportunity/benefit, luck, relief from burdens, and success. Indicates similar overlay traits (the mask you show others) of each other's self-image through first impression on others. Focus is on environment/surroundings and "self" vs. other. Deep affection and devotion are merged with sympathy, sensitivity, and consideration. Depending on each person's spiritual evolvement, relationships can be influenced through loving harmonious emotions, inner harmony, and social and domestic ease. Favorable public/social relations and emotional balance influence relationship character and personality traits. Focus is on artistic passion. Nurturing soul growth through important emotional karmic past-life connections, facing hidden issues, and emotional cleansing. Flowing love communications through refined thoughts, keen perception of social situations, and aesthetic ideas. Excellent negotiations, arbitration, and peacemaking skills are emphasized. Sincere love is expressed through balancing expectations of self and others. Relationships and events are positively affected by social confidence, self-esteem that bolsters self-image, a happy appearance and diplomacy. Focus is on creative aesthetic pursuits, radiating inner/outer beauty, and a pleasant/beautiful environment. Exciting love and resource opportunity can manifest through love, emotional intensity, and intimacy. An interest in freedom and experimentation can lead to sharing unique values and experiencing exhilarating and sudden love. Discovery of multi-dimensional personality perspectives is possible. Relationships and events are influenced by sensual stimulation, new and exciting friendships, inspirational creativity, and flexibility that brings unexpected opportunity with important changes. Creative avocational growth can occur through re-evaluating cultural roles to inspire a new/enlightened game plan leading to more vocational opportunities. Relationships and events are characterized by expressing creative potential and ambition that can lead to promotion and advancement. Focus is on self-confidence, responsibility, expressing talent, and supportive males regarding avocation and leadership.
The next two categories modify the overall compatibility (higher or lower) depending on the amount of mutual avocational (work and/or hobbies) interests and spiritual evolvement. A delicate balance, between mutual common interests and individual diverse interests, is the ideal.
Compatibility With Shared Avocation and Evolved Spirituality Score: 73
%, , (Well Above Average)
Shared, non-romantic, mutual interests (e.g., dynamic hobby, business, civic, and/or charitable activity, etc.) well balanced with differing individual interests, may greatly improve compatibility. As the third most important category for comparison; this area is where the greatest harmony is likely (especially if there is equal spiritual evolvement between partners). Generally, above 90% may be considered "outstanding", 75% to 90% "excellent", 60% to 75% "above average", 45% to 60% "average", 30% to 45% "below average", and under 30% "poor".
Overall Compatibility With Shared Avocation and Evolved Spirituality Interpretation:
Practical application of intuition in mutual avocational interests/activities (e.g., hobby, business, civic, charitable, etc.) can be influenced and characterized by emotional responsibility/stability, inner strength, trusting/applying intuition, self-respect, business sense, and working with authority figures with ease. Emphasis can be on healing/intuiting past-life/childhood issues, committed relationships, wisdom, schedule organization, and mutual self-reflection. Consistent and steady disciplined, courageous, committed, responsible action supported through a shared disciplined avocation. Eagerness is testing patience. Energy is steadily directed and constructively focused on fusing courage with ambition to boldly and calmly overcome obstacles and adversity. The proper use of force and firmness combined with clarity supports growth. Vigorous discussion helps build mental fortitude that strengthened by thinking decisively, and opening to the mental intensity and accented intellectual sharpness. Exhibiting perception with assertion and seeing new ideas can foster healing repressed anger. Indicates stretches of consciousness focused with determination and commitment and drive. Focus is on skillful management and overcoming limitations. A period of solitude/introspection can build inner strength that conquers fear and defines creative potential with willpower, wisdom, and patience. Note the areas of your life where you experience reality testing in terms of your ability to freely accept responsibility. Goal accomplishment and pride can surface through your efforts or others close to/influencing you. Watch for compulsive behavior and events that challenge ambitions, and expose risk-taking fears. The experience of disappointment, ruthless authority/control, illness/depression can occur through blocked creative energy, victim consciousness. There can be a stressful times with pressure for meeting deadlines Making ideal dreams real through spiritual discipline, inspiration with applied faith, commitment to perfect vision, and practical idealism. Use of clear intuition, firm spiritual values, and applied aesthetic talent can support surrendering an external focus for inner peace. Balanced ideals and ambition that help focus energy on applied spiritual principles promote lasting inspiration. It is possible to overcome guilt. Smooth and powerful emotional healing. Ideal spiritual communication is strengthened through looking inward for answers, intuitive clarity, and mental imagery. Channeling and refining intuitive awareness can make one aware of divine inspiration. The higher muse consciousness is supported with faith/clarity, idealism, aesthetics, and telepathy. Easy and temperate sexual and/or intimate emotional healing. Creative and empowered vocational accomplishment is possible. Emphasis is on intense sexual energy and intimacy or extreme power struggles. Spiritual insight is accented and supported through acting on ideals, dynamic inspiration, transcendence, and imagination in action. Erotic fantasy and sexual and intimate creativity can be a focus and possibly experienced. Expressing vulnerability with a focus on sensitivity, compassion, energetic intuition, and forgiveness can instigate the beginning of healing deep hurts. Actions can stem from selfless sacrifice, vision, and artistic creation.
Compatibility Without Shared Avocation and Evolved Spirituality Score: 44.3
%, , (Average)
Lack of shared, non-romantic, mutual interests (e.g., dynamic hobby, business, civic, and/or charitable activity, etc.) to balance differing individual interests, decreases compatibility. Also, as the third most important category for comparison this area is where the greatest challenges are likely (especially if there is an extreme difference in spiritual evolvement between partners). Generally, above 80% may be considered "outstanding", 65% to 80% "excellent", 50% to 65% "above average", 35% to 50% "average", 20% to 35% "below average", and under 20% "poor".
Overall Compatibility Without Shared Avocation and Evolved Spirituality Interpretation:
One person may be doing most of the emotional issue processing with difficult joint emotional issues/karma and challenges emphasizing meddling/controlling/difficult females in any role (e.g., mother, in-law, child, step-child, boss, etc.). Note females providing undesirable advice if not interfering in intimate affairs. The challenge in this is relationship is characterized by negative consciousness, depression, stretching of comfort zones, burdens, depression, lack of inner security, insensitivity/coldness, isolation, blocked intuition, frustration, fear of closeness/intimacy, extreme worry, projection of old emotional issues, denial of feelings, self-criticality, hypersensitivity, and home/career conflicting priorities. Imperative to practically apply intuition in mutual avocation interests/activities (e.g., hobby, business, civic, charitable, etc.). Shared disciplined avocation or situations are in a stalemate and blocked through creativity, sexual, and intimacy frustration. Fear-based action feeds failures. Obligations are felt as pressure and there is a strong sense of over competition with the additional pressure felt of self (challenging) vs. authority and expectations. Avoid blaming external causes and poor timing for challenging situations. The psyche can be stressed with impatience and a lack of confidence and repressing anger or conflict. Note areas where it feels that there is unnecessary dominating abuse, confrontation, rigidity/inflexibility, and close-mindedness. Contentious discussion through rash/impulsive thoughts, dumping/projecting anger, patience lacking, arguments, and communication conflicts. May be one person doing most of the relationship identity issue processing with difficult joint ego/identity issues/karma as a focus. External events may be characterized by challenges with meddling/controlling/difficult males in any role (e.g., father, in-law, child, step-child, boss, etc.). At the least, there is the possibility of receiving undesirable advice, if not intimate affairs possible. Note relationships or events characterized by compulsiveness, the effects of ruthless avocational ambition, authority/control/power issues. The resulting fear of risk-taking and or disappointment can lead to illness and or depression because of blocked creative energy, victim consciousness. If there is an issue concerning lacking trust, investigate the logical reasons.
Events can be defined by stressful work schedules. It is vital to actively share and participate in non-romantic activities (e.g., avocational, hobby, business, civic, charitable, etc.) to direct this energy positively. Confused and blocked ideals surface through karmic illusions and deception. Guard against fraud and illness. Fear feeds the tendency to evade responsibility and commitment. Watch for allowing ideas to go stale, lost inspiration, refusal to transcend the past, guilt, and escaping through hiding behind a false identity. Power struggles thwart emotional healing. Confused communication through a lack of clarity, mental disorientation, indecision, escapism, excessive fantasy, and deception. Difficult and blocked sexual/intimate emotional healing complicated by frustration and anger. Watch for blocked accomplishment through extreme power struggles and emotional/physical abuse. Note and process situations inspiring ruthlessness and resentment. Avoid self-destructive tendencies, vengeance, jealousy, and extreme manipulation. Don't allow self-hatred, an identity crisis, projecting anger, and hidden agendas. Emotional upset is possibly stimulated through instability. Emotional undercurrents, feelings of rebellion, and extreme mood swings, struggles, affect relationships. Possible abuse, ruthlessness, resentment, self-destructive tendencies, a focus on vengeance, jealousy, extreme manipulation, self-hatred, identity crisis, projecting anger, and hidden agendas. Vague identity awareness is enforced through confusion and disorientation. Illness can be experienced. Guard against escapism, substance abuse, and addictions, which can be an emotional drain. Be aware of deceptive action and the urge to chase illusions. Guilt, conflict avoidance, anger, vulnerability and detachment can be experienced in areas that may be off-center and in which you need to positively focus energy. There can be invigorating mental flow/clarity and spontaneous intuition also.
Longevity / Endurance Score: 66.9 %, , (Excellent)
The relationship's ability to endure and maintain harmony when either person (or both) undergoes challenging individual cycles. The higher the longevity rating, the easier it is to be mutually supportive during tough times since it is more likely that the areas of challenge would affect both and easier to resolve through mutual support. Conversely, if the longevity is weak, then it is possible that resentment could build over time if the one with easier cycles does not give support while the other is under pressure. As the second most important category for comparison; generally, above 80% may be considered "outstanding", 65% to 80% "excellent", 50% to 65% "above average", 35% to 50% "average", 20% to 35% "below average", and under 20% "poor". Longevity /endurance has no text interpretation.
Secondary Indicators:
The remaining categories are general indications of minor importance; highlighting several different mutual compatibility areas pertaining to the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical dimensional planes of existence.
For interpretation purposes, the secondary indicators my be grouped into four major categories: 1) Spiritual / Emotional / Resources, 2) Communication / Mental / Intellectual / Friendship, 3) Intimacy / Sex, 4) Avocation / Vitality. Note that there may be some slight repetition due to the important overlap of multiple characteristics.
Generally, above 90% may be considered "outstanding", 75% to 90% "excellent", 60% to 75% "above average", 45% to 60% "average", 30% to 45% "below average", and under 30% "poor".
1) Spiritual / Emotional / Resources
Spiritual /Intuitive Score: 72.7 %, , (Well Above Average)
Love / Romance / Emotional Score: 75.7 %, , (Excellent)
Resources / Money Score: 70.2 %, , (Well Above Average)
Spiritual / Emotional / Resources Interpretation:
Indicates emotional responsibility/stability, and committed relationships. Depending on each person's spiritual evolvement, relationships can be influenced by an inner strength, patience/endurance/persistence, trusting/applying intuition, and the promotion of healing/intuiting past-life/childhood issues. Relationship character and personality traits are self-respect, business sense, wisdom, concentration/discipline, and schedule organization and what is conventional (in thought and action). Focus is on flowing relationships with authority figures and self-reflective thought. Emphasizes harmony and gifts as supported by responsibility and commitment. Note females in any role around you, home/family, children, receptivity, public relations, reaction, instinct, routine/habit, transportation. The execution of karma can be apparent. Note periods of negative consciousness, blocked intuition, frustration, extreme worry, fear and anxiety, stretching comfort zones, burdens, restriction, and depression. There can be a lack of inner security and the feeling and projection of insensitivity/coldness, a projection of old issues, a fear of closeness/intimacy, and a denial of feelings. Periods of isolation, stresses, conflicts, delays, and obstacles around the home/career can occur. There is a tendency to be self-critical, moody, indecisive, and hypersensitive. Indicates energy to make dreams real. Inspiration grows with applied faith. A strong commitment to ideals and practical idealism is supported by clear intuition, firm spiritual values, and applied aesthetic talent. Surrender to an external focus promotes inner peace through applied spiritual principles, lasting inspiration, balanced ideals and ambition. It is possible to overcome guilt. Avoid confused and blocked ideals and fraud. Illness is possible. Do not evade responsibility because of a fear of commitment. Watch for feelings of stagnation, lost inspiration, or a refusal to transcend the past. Hiding behind false identity can feed guilt through avoidance. Smooth and powerful emotional healing.
Indicates platonic and spiritual love supported by faith in ideals and dreams. Sensitive, caring, compassionate, and transformative love feelings characterize relationships and events. It is possible to experience the perfect love/romance, Spiritual consciousness, insight, and understanding can bring acknowledgement of an inner beauty and peaceful awareness. Focus is on the intuitive, creative arts and aesthetics supported by the ideal of universal harmony. Heart and healing opening and soul connection can occur. Note areas where narrow or blind faith in illusion is preferable and avoid a tendency to be taken in by a deceptive romance supported by emotional confusion. Tendencies towards escapism, sponging, projection, and hypersensitivity, can lead to con artistry, guru focus, or a Pollyanna fantasy. Avoid addictions. Indicates a well-developed value system. Recognition and or rewards characterize relationships and events. Focus is on avocational artistic expression. Wise counsel, fortunate property and or finance decisions, and the ability to successfully balancing work and personal life support events. Experiencing prosperity. Note where there is an over emphasis on style and appearance. A focus on a shallow value system and extreme vanity can undermine success. Jealousy and a compulsive need for seeking attention can adversely affect relationships. Indicates emotional communications, intuitive and intellectual balance. Depending on each person's spiritual evolvement, relationships can be influenced by intuitive perception. Relationship character and personality traits are influenced by thought and feeling synthesis. Focus is on surrendering irrational ideas. Note the characteristics of the counselor and insight to be gained through automatic writing. Insight can be blinded by emotional insecurity, emotional fickleness, superficial perception, concern over needless details.
2) Communication / Mental / Intellectual / Friendship
Communication / Mental / Intellectual / Friendship Score: 70 %, , (Well Above Average)
Communication / Mental / Intellectual / Friendship Interpretation:
Indicates a sharpened mental imagery and intuitive clarity that channels and refines intuitive awareness. Relationships and events are divinely inspired by a higher muse consciousness through faith and clarity. Focus is on looking inward for answers, idealism, aesthetics, and telepathy. Note thoughts and areas of your life affected by mental disorientation, indecision, escapism, fantasy, and deception. Indicates psychological freedom, empowering insights, inventive power, and suddenly understanding mystery. Focus is on research discovery, empowered direction, exciting trail blazing, and spiritual death and rebirth. Relationships and events are colored by actions concerned with breaking rules, breaking control, unusual charisma, and an awareness of new life direction. Be aware of surprising power struggles and reckless risk taking. Avoid compulsive behavior, self-destruction, an elitist attitude, and stubborn blocks. Rebellion against power figures, diving over the edge, strange extremist thinking, and missed opportunities. Indicates merging emotional and mental healing.
Indicates creative experimentation and novel self-expressed ideas promoting self-discovery. A confidence in originality can be nurtured. Note new masculine relationships or vocation. Watch for an eccentric self-focus and conflicts with freedom of self-expression that can breed instability and uncertainty. Indicates emotional communications, intuitive and intellectual balance. Depending on each person's spiritual evolvement, relationships can be influenced by intuitive perception. Relationship character and personality traits are influenced by thought and feeling synthesis. Focus is on surrendering irrational ideas. Note the characteristics of the counselor and insight to be gained through automatic writing. Insight can be blinded by emotional insecurity, emotional fickleness, superficial perception, concern over needless details. Indicates an effortless flowing love communication inspiring aesthetic ideas. Events and relationships are defined by refined thoughts, a keen perception of social situations, excellent negotiations and arbitration skills, and a strong desire for peacemaking. Note relationships and events treated with self-pity, and denial. Watch for losing propositions, gullibility, the effects of social glitter (which wear off), and the use of verbal cunning to impress others.
3) Intimacy / Sexuality Score:
Intimacy / Sexuality Score: 69.5 %, , (Well Above Average)
Intimacy / Sexuality Interpretation:
Indicates consistent and steady disciplined, courageous, committed, responsible action. Focus is on shared disciplined vocation, fusing courage and ambition, and using energy constructively and steadily. Relationships and events are characterized by eagerness that test patience while you boldly and calmly overcome obstacles and adversity with firm, clear force. Watch for fear-based action and a focus on failures and obligations. Relationships and events can be influenced by an overly competitive influence or sexual/intimacy frustration that is due to power issues ending in a stalemate. Challenging self vs. authority expectations. Blaming external causes, poor timing, and impatience can be due to lacking confidence and dumping or repressing anger and conflict instead of dealing with it face front. Watch for relationships and/or events inhibited by dominating abuse, negative confrontation, rigidity/inflexibility, and close-minded thought patterns. Mercury/Mars: Indicates mental fortitude, thinking decisively, and mental intensity/sharpness. Relationships and events are charged with vigorous discussion. Focus is on perception with assertion and recognizing the value of new ideas. Communicating anger can lead to healing repressed anger and rash/impulsive thoughts. Note areas of your life punctuated by a lack of patience, arguments, and communication conflicts. Smooth and powerful emotional healing.
Dynamic life purpose/mission and vocational/cultural accomplishment through exciting joint experience, aim/goals, originality, discovery, novelty, experimentation, friendship, and individual, technology/computers/communication and surprising/sudden innovation/change, revolutionary reform, altruistic brother/sisterhood, freedom/detachment, genius, and awakening. Indicates creative self-mastery and a possibility of major metamorphosis through strengthening the expression of personal power that can lead to the deepest self-discovery. Focus is on events defined by dynamic leadership. Watch for hidden issues/agenda, power fears/transference, masculine power struggles, and the possibility of ulterior motives in your actions or those around you. Guard against compulsiveness. Powerful environmental surroundings and self-image awareness through sex, transformation/transcendence, symbolic death/rebirth, the secret and/or the mysterious, hidden matters/resources, collective unconscious, renewal, and forgiveness.
4) Avocation / Vitality
Avocational / Work / Hobbies Score: 75 %, , (Excellent)
Vitality / Health Score: 63.9 %, , (Barely Above Average)
Avocation / Vitality Interpretation:
Indicates emotional responsibility/stability, and committed relationships. Depending on each person's spiritual evolvement, relationships can be influenced by an inner strength, patience/endurance/persistence, trusting/applying intuition, and the promotion of healing/intuiting past-life/childhood issues. Relationship character and personality traits are self-respect, business sense, wisdom, concentration/discipline, and schedule organization and what is conventional (in thought and action). Focus is on flowing relationships with authority figures and self-reflective thought. Emphasizes harmony and gifts as supported by responsibility and commitment. Note females in any role around you, home/family, children, receptivity, public relations, reaction, instinct, routine/habit, transportation. The execution of karma can be apparent. Note periods of negative consciousness, blocked intuition, frustration, extreme worry, fear and anxiety, stretching comfort zones, burdens, restriction, and depression. There can be a lack of inner security and the feeling and projection of insensitivity/coldness, a projection of old issues, a fear of closeness/intimacy, and a denial of feelings. Periods of isolation, stresses, conflicts, delays, and obstacles around the home/career can occur. There is a tendency to be self-critical, moody, indecisive, and hypersensitive. Indicates consistent and steady disciplined, courageous, committed, responsible action. Focus is on shared disciplined vocation, fusing courage and ambition, and using energy constructively and steadily. Relationships and events are characterized by eagerness that test patience while you boldly and calmly overcome obstacles and adversity with firm, clear force. Watch for fear-based action and a focus on failures and obligations. Relationships and events can be influenced by an overly competitive influence or sexual/intimacy frustration that is due to power issues ending in a stalemate. Challenging self vs. authority expectations. Blaming external causes, poor timing, and impatience can be due to lacking confidence and dumping or repressing anger and conflict instead of dealing with it face front. Watch for relationships and/or events inhibited by dominating abuse, negative confrontation, rigidity/inflexibility, and close-minded thought patterns. Mercury/Mars: Indicates mental fortitude, thinking decisively, and mental intensity/sharpness. Relationships and events are charged with vigorous discussion. Focus is on perception with assertion and recognizing the value of new ideas. Communicating anger can lead to healing repressed anger and rash/impulsive thoughts. Note areas of your life punctuated by a lack of patience, arguments, and communication conflicts.
Indicates a well-developed value system. Recognition and or rewards characterize relationships and events. Focus is on avocational artistic expression. Wise counsel, fortunate property and or finance decisions, and the ability to successfully balancing work and personal life support events. Experiencing prosperity. Note where there is an over emphasis on style and appearance. A focus on a shallow value system and extreme vanity can undermine success. Jealousy and a compulsive need for seeking attention can adversely affect relationships. Indicates creative experimentation and novel self-expressed ideas promoting self-discovery. A confidence in originality can be nurtured. Note new masculine relationships or vocation. Watch for an eccentric self-focus and conflicts with freedom of self-expression that can breed instability and uncertainty. Indicates creative avocational growth through re-evaluating cultural roles. A new and enlightened game plan can open up to vocational opportunities that can lead to expressing creative potential through actions supporting promotion and or advancement. Relationships and events are characterized by expressions of self-confidence, creative ambition, responsibility, talent, and leadership. Note areas of your life influenced by yours or others actions that are controlling and focused on self-importance or overdriving ambition. Tendencies towards being a compulsive workaholic with goals determined by success attachment and an over emphasis on self-image focus can impact your vitality and willpower and foster worn-out identities.
How To Develop A Mutually Rewarding Relationship: (included in your personal report)
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