Are You With Your True Love? ... or ... Best Vocation?
...We can answer both "If"(business & personal relationship compatibility potential) and "When"( business & love/intimacy opportunity timing):
..."What" (services) we provide to determine your long term life partner compatibility potential and timing through:
1) Live Personal Phone Consultation: Facilitates enlightened decision making through confidential strategic advice consulting in business, politics, creative advertising, and personal relationship matters. Only $2.28 per minute to speak with Mark Pavlisin directly 12 PM to 12 AM Central (Intuitive Services)...(Free, complimentary Compatibility Report by request with any paid minutes...a $33.00 value!), click on the "Call Me" next to the phone part of the image below:
Mark, with Intuitive Services 1-888-693-8437 ext. 01837888 |
Separately, for clients new to Keen, receive a FREE introductory reading with me by calling 800-275-5336 Ext. 02565832 or go to: or click: "Call Now" image below:
2) Verified Intuitive Computer Analysis: Intuitive Service's proprietary Relationship Compatibility and Timing Reports...receive up to $96.00 complimentary information!
..."How"(method background) we do this: Explanation... About: Intuitive Services and Mark Pavlisin ... email:
Do you know anyone with whom you might have a lifetime compatibility chance for lasting spiritual, love, friendship, attraction, chemistry and happiness ?
... Check your long term relationship compatibility potential with our unique and very accurate method after finding someone interesting on other relationship sites (e.g.,,, etc.).
This application is a uniquely accurate proprietary relationship compatibility scoring/rating analysis methodology that is a breakthrough in relationship assessment incorporating significant new astrological discoveries and verified over almost two decades.
"Nine out of 10 people are interested in relationships. ... developed a tool that will determine if a relationship has long-term soulmate (life partner) potential with 98 or 99 percent accuracy." (from an interview by a major U.S. metropolitan newspaper: Dayton Daily News, April 1999).
For any two people, this zodiac method's advanced results provide the "Next Level " of precise answers instantly and similar numerical accuracy is not available elsewhere. It may be used to enhance standard online compatibility matching searches or simply as a stand-alone analysis to determine the relationship potential for attraction, chemistry, and success.
Listen to the archived internet radio show anytime: Metaphysical Musing with Mark on Blog Talk Radio. Hoping to inspire and entertain as we explore and discuss the metaphysical field together, we invite you to not only listen as Mark share's his knowledge, experience, and suggested guidance through complimentary personal mini-readings; but also he encourages you to share your own spiritual experiences, dreams, questions, and comments as well. Also, featuring Heavenly Headlines; Mark usually gives an overview of current astrological events in the sky and how we may all benefit from being in harmony with the universal astrophysical alignments. Time permitting, he would like answer your personal questions and give brief unique relationship and career advice answers that balance both intuitive and practical insight. Have the date of birth for you (time of day for work and money questions are optional but important for timing accuracy) and the date of birth of any others (for relationship compatibility).
Visit: Metaphysical Musing with Mark Radio Show Notes ( to see a real time update of Heavenly Headlines (i.e., news headlines corresponding to our unique astro event forecast index).
1) Intuitive Service's Relationship Compatibility and Timing Consultation (by phone, includes verbal assessment of your relationship using a proprietary method developed by Intuitive Services):
For or members: With any paid minutes...includes free compatibility report (by request) ...a $33.00 value!
>Intuitive Services intends to give you a unique roadmap of probable or likely events for love/romance, money, and vocational opportunities using cards (event description/outcome), astrology (event timing), and clairvoyance (for interpretation). Mark, at Intuitive Services, has over forteen years of professional full-time experience with many newspaper/TV/Radio appearances and specializes in relationship compatibility. Put to the test on TV (rated best [86% accurate] of five tested): "The reading was fun and it did produce some uncanny insight into my personality, my past and my present...Mark... was right on target with much of what he said. Although not a scientific survey, the statistical accuracy was as follows: 0%...false, 14%...true for most people, 36%...specifically true for her, 50% uncanny direct hits out of a total 22 items (100%). ...had an uncanny ability to know more about me than a stranger should." (NBC TV affiliate News).
Free membership and call only requires your email address and phone number......usually available 12 PM to 12 AM Central (you can specify the exact length of call) with a credit card, by personal check, or charge to your phone number. You also receive a monetary credit per referral.
By request, during your call and by adding any paid minutes, one complimentary relationship compatibility report ($33 value) and are offered complimentary.
>Please allow up to 30 seconds of astrology (event timing) and cards (event description/outcome) setup time...for compatibility, have both you and the other person's date of birth ready...optional email notification of phone consultation availability. Although I intend to give you the best outcome possible, I may not necessarily tell you everything you wish to hear since much of your future depends on your free will choice. For an immediate answer, click image below:
2)Intuitive Service's Relationship Compatibility and Timing Reports (a proprietary method developed by Intuitive Services):
>Free reports and brief personal written consultation with any paid order of either $24(first order) or $12 (any additional order) usually sent within 48 hours of placing your order. Both include your personal relationship compatibility report, plus a complimentary personal written interpretation/prediction, additional long/short term timing reports, and personality insight reports...up to $96.00 total value.
If you would like the report ONLY (a $6 donation report posted as a web page link...not available by email attachment):
>Relationship Compatibility Report: Love, romance, soulmate, sex, friendship, money, career, and business relationship compatibility is numerically rated with strengths and challenges interpreted. A proprietary computer-programmed algorithm has been carefully derived through expert knowledge, client validation, and intuition/clairvoyance. This unique methodology incorporates new and significant discoveries and has been developed/validated over a decade through personal consultations with many thousands of couples.
For more information, click sample compatibility graph below:
>Event Timing Roadmap Report: Gives the best times (weekly/daily dates) for meeting new people (personal or business), vocational opportunities, financial, love/romance, and sex/intimacy. Includes a weekly graph, a rated list of optimum timing periods (weekly/daily), and interpretation. Life partner timing report also available.
The graph below indicates the weekly probability of events regarding Total Dynamic Energy, Spiritual/Intuitive,Love/Romance/Sex/Intimacy/Money, Feminine, and Masculine energy.Weekly(W) & Daily(D) Time Period Listing Summary: (excerpt from a sample report)
*To view a personal, detailed, and unique interpretative
description (thousands of different interpretations possible) for each each Week (W:) or day (D:), move your cursor (e.g., mouse pointer)
over each Category description: (e.g., ) listed
Individual Time
Periods: Category
description:      Probability
rating strength:      Rating level:
W: 04/13/2001-05/03/2001    
68 %
(Above Average)
D: 04/29/2001
           69 %                              (Above Average)
D: 04/30/2001                                                    100 %                              (Very Strong)
D: 05/02/2001                                           55 %                               (Above Average)
W: 04/20/2001-05/10/2001                   13 %                                 (Very Weak)
For more information: Personal Relationship Compatibility & Timing Reports
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What is astrology?
Astrology is the study of how the cosmos (e.g., astrophysical constellations and planets) influences the living Earth. The symbolic language of astrology represents a blueprint or pattern of non-physical energy best applied for personality insight, timing events, and relationship compatibility. In essence, these patterns of energy relate to spiritual consciousness, psychological, emotional, mental and physical issues, character traits, likes/dislikes, and potential for personal growth.
Although several limited statistical studies to explain and validate planetary influences have been attempted, the results are not completely satisfying. Most of these studies involved Sun sign personality traits, which only represent a fraction of a complete astrological personality profile. Some of the more involved studies have shown some interesting correlation, but were not complete or rigorous by standard scientific methods. This is partly due to the multitude of probable outcomes that are greatly dependent on a person's spiritual growth and consciousness. Astrology is a both a science and an art; because whatever the character of the astrological energy and regardless of the accuracy the of astrologist's insight, an individual always has free will to change a probable outcome.
After 30 years experience (including research and 20 years of professional full-time consultation with over 30 thousand consultations), I feel certain that some form of spiritual, psychological, emotional, and physical influence by planetary cycles exists. No one is exactly sure how astrological cycles influence individual consciousness (e.g., a very rough analogy is the lunar effect on ocean tides). To the best of my knowledge, all that is presently known is that some type of strong correlation of consciousness and subtle energy is present at certain angles between planetary positions in zodiac constellations.
Since the
macrocosmic physical world is likely a reflection of the microcosmic multi-dimensional
spiritual planes, the link between mathematics, geometry, music, spirituality, and
celestial planetary movement has been studied for centuries. For example, between 1895 and
1933, Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant of the Theosophical Society conducted
clairvoyant studies of the atomic structure of the periodic table of elements. They
observed and described an entire spectrum of new fundamental particles below the
conventional subatomic particles (e.g., quarks) which make up physical atoms (protons,
electrons, and neutrons). Their intuitive investigation included a vision of a fundamental
particle that looks amazingly similar to the heart shape at left. These particles were
further geometrically grouped together as several recurring periodic patterns of form to
make up known atoms.
The famous astronomer, Kepler, discovered a harmonic musical relationship between planetary angular velocity (i.e., rate of planetary rotation as a planet travels around the Sun) and the musical scale. He found that as each planet reached its maximum orbital distance from the Sun and its minimum orbital distance, the ratio of the angular velocity (rate of change of position) of each planet to another was in the same harmonic ratio as the musical scale. Interestingly, the study of complexity (chaos) physics theory reveals that the main growth buds on a Mandlebrodt fractal cardioid (the heart figure at upper left), present in many biological growth processes in nature (e.g., plant kingdom), are at the similar integer multiple value angles as many of the most sensitive angles used by astrologists. Referring to the heart figure at upper left, notice that the angle between the two white lines inside the large heart shape make a right (90 degree) angle. It is one of the most important angles astrologists use. In addition to the horizontal line (shown pointing to the left little heart/circle blossoming), more lines could be drawn from the large heart center to each heart/circle (with the angle between any two lines a sensitive astrological angle).
In astrology, when each of these specific angles are present, some type of energetic resonance or harmony occurs. For example, at time of a person's birth, if the planet Venus is 120 degrees in longitude away from an individual's Jupiter position; then the energy pattern created may present a better than average chance for fortunate opportunities concerned with love and money over that person's lifetime. When moving planets align and trigger this fixed personal energetic birth pattern; a type of harmonic portal or opening is created for higher dimensional subtle energy to flow through (much like opening a valve). The fewer spiritual/emotional issues we have, the easier it is for us to spiral or shift into a more perfect reality (to facilitate what we incarnated here to accomplish). Like knowing the direction and magnitude of a changing river current, we can predict with accuracy when is the best time and direction to swim (e.g., is it better to apply our time and energy in love or career areas?).
What is Synchronicity?
In modern times, the concept of synchronicity was characterized by the psychologist Carl Jung and more recently popularized by others. Synchronistic phenomena are two or more apparent random symbolic event coincidences (i.e., seemingly unrelated occurrences) in our conscious awareness which are, in actuality, equivalencies in heterogeneous, casually unrelated space/time processes where something other than the probability of chance is involved. A "symbolic event" is defined as any observable that is recognized and has a multitude of interpretations depending on the personal and collective unconscious perspective of the perceiver. Synchronicities are characterized nonlinear, holistic, right-brain oriented thinking; complementary to logical, linear, left-brain thinking. Some have speculated that synchronicities are actually intuitive, ordered reflections of some type of platonic archetypal imaging (i.e., unconscious, universal, perfected, and formalized structures that parallel conscious common everyday life). We hypothesize that at least two levels or types of synchronistic symbols exist: 1) objective; easily recognized physical symbols such as a fish, ball, butterfly, etc. and 2) subjective; subtlety recognized states of awareness of emotional feeling or sensation such as love, fear, warmth, etc. As pure speculation, we would even entertain the possible concept that unconscious, formalized structures or codes could consist of a large number of derivative subsets of geometric fractal shapes originating from the classical platonic solids. In any event, a synchronicity is a conscious perception of an unconscious symbol by an observer that may be simultaneously represented by an outside event, without any apparent casual connection. Tools like Tarot cards are a way to measure synchronicity.
There is even deeper significance in noticing two or more seemingly unrelated symbols from different sets of symbols; each set containing similar repeating symbols (i.e., any observable objects of conscious awareness) among each other. When at least one member symbol from at least two synchronicity sets spontaneously converge unexpectedly, simultaneously and/or sequentially both temporally and spatially around a person, place, or physical situation additional information may be ascertained.
The following is practical and everyday life example of symbols from two different synchronicity sets that converge. From one symbol set an observer, over any previous time period, might see two or more real butterflies in nature, pictures and/or names of butterflies in dreams, in the major media (e.g., television, radio, magazines, newspapers), conversations, signs, license plates, etc. From another symbol set, if the number "53" has been repeating also; then if individual meets a person with a butterfly on their clothing on May 3rd or room 53, a convergence of different symbols from two different set has resulted in more information and potential significance. As in an ongoing and evolving puzzle, interpretation of synchronicities both: 1) one set of similar, repeating symbols and 2) the convergence multiple sets of symbols, are both highly individualistic not easily formalized, nor predicted.
In summary, synchronicities are perceptions of an inner intuitive, extrasensory happening (e.g., dream, vision, premonition, and epiphany) when accompanied by a corresponding outer physical event (e.g., perception of a symbol, apparition, and miracles) in which the latter could not have been causally connected with the former. In essence, synchronicities represent a first-person feedback of the status of act(s) of conscious, space/time reality creation. Tarot cards and intuitive clairvoyance are examples of ways to measure synchronicity.
What can astrology and synchronicity do for you?
As a practical day-to-day tool, astrology (using a complete birth map generated with your birthdate, birthtime, and birthplace; not just Sun or birth sign only), is at its best for personality characteristics, timing probable events as a roadmap, and relationship compatibility. Astrology gives insight into one's personality and future opportunities around spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical matters (e.g., love, money, avocation, health, etc.). Every tool has its limitations and astrology is no different. Because of multiple interpretations for any given astrological influence, a tool like Tarot cards (representing synchronicity) are better to use to measure consciousness (i.e., what probable event description or outcome is more likely). However, as compared to cards, astrology is greatly superior for timing events. An ideal consultation/reading could combine astrology, cards, and intuition/clairvoyance (for interpretation of multiple possible outcomes) resulting in a synergistic (i.e., 1+1+1=4) accuracy.
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